In October we had a week’s holiday on a broads cruiser on the North Norfolk Broads. We stayed overnight on a mud weight in Ranworth Broad and Lorna went wild swimming in the dawn light. We have been swimming in the sea at Felixstowe beach once a week this year and enjoy the thrill of the cold water and being lifted by the waves. We each took our ukuleles so we could use some afternoons to practice, Lorna on her soprano and Lawrence on his Bass. We passed a Norfolk Wherry gracefully sailing along and also 4 beautiful Broads sailing boats creeping along in a light breeze.
Lorna’s hair had been getting longer and longer as she saved money on hair cuts to go towards our retirement. She decided to shave her long hair off to raise money for cancer research. She also wanted to donate her hair to make wigs for young people. In a lucky break we met Janene in the Quay Street Hairdressers who offered to cut Lorna’s hair and help promote the campaign. This has saved Lawrence from having to shave Lorna’s hair badly and also Janene will know how to save the hair so it can be used for a wig. Lorna’s hair is pretty impressive I think you will agree.
Lorna started making hats for the cold winter with no hair and they look great, Lawrence got his mug in there too.
You can have some lovely calm autumn/winter days and here was one with Lorna kayaking down our river from Waterdog and she simply titled these 2 photos as ‘Happiness’.
And then there are very windy days, like this one that finished off our ensign.